Not all who wander are lost, but in our case, we got lost. Literally.

After driving away from the city to unleash our own Archie and Veronica, we went back to where we were staying to leave our rental car and just uber from there on. In this manner, we were able to save a couple of bucks cause there is no way we would find free parking around downtown. Not to mention the hassle of navigating through one ways, a gazillion of traffic signs and add to that ignorant tourists strolling around like ourselves.


Starting off, we need to fill up fuel for our bodies. We were starting to get cranky and I was starting to make everything complicated for us. lol. and that for sure is the call of hunger.

So we decided to start exploring Downtown from Pike Place Market. Seattle’s so famous for it, who isn’t excited to see it? Here are some photos of how it looks like when you walk in. It is crowded.


This next photo reminds me a lot of how markets are back in the Philippines, and I can’t miss it enough. I wanna go home. asap. next blog, weekend in pinas. lol.


We had lunch at Lowell’s, right within Pike Place Market, and then we tried Seattle’s good old fish and chips and clam chowder. It was good, it wasn’t the best. here’s the view from where we ate. We forgot to take photos of our food, I feel like we just horked it down straight to our guts.


Just in front of Pike’s Market kuya Don recommended that we don’t miss Beecher’s grilled cheese sandwich, it was said to be the best!

We chose not to wait long in line so we wanted to visit the Reserve Roastery instead, but on a Saturday, at noon, on a cold day, it was just as crowded.


We walked around downtown searching for the famous gum wall, only to find out we already went past it so we had to go around. So now you know the need of our gluttonous activities. I do not recommend this guys. It’s bad. It’s a sin to overeat. Not only is it a rebellion against God, but also to thy body. Word.



The most famous gum wall.


Walking down these corridors, it smelled like a mixed of flavors of gum, there was a sweet aroma tickling my olfactory sensory neurons, char! haha almost kinda fruity, just like how you would smell gum when you’re chewing it. So also mix that smell with saliva in the wild. haha.

So here are some photos of us, and cunningly hiding our shame bc our lame ass can’t blow a gum balloon. haha. losers. but we have to improvise, we still looked pretty cool. hahaha.

Here are extra bird’s eye views from Seattle’s Great Wheel. That is another experience for another entry.

For now, I hope you enjoyed reading through my virtual journal.

If you have tips for me on how I improve this. That would be awesome! Hit me up on facebook or instagram!

This was shot from Kerry Park a couple of minutes away from Seattle, and it’s just 3 minutes away from Meredith Grey’s House from Grey’s Anatomy!

You’re Welcome!